School Uniform

We prefer and encourage the children to wear school uniform. Not only does this help children to feel part of the Cottesbrooke family, it also helps parents and carers as it prevents disagreements about what to wear in the morning.

Our uniform consists of:

  • a red sweatshirt or cardigan
  • grey skirt/pinafore dress, trousers or shorts
  • white polo shirt/shirt
  • a red and white gingham dress may be worn in warmer months.
  • children should wear sensible shoes, preferably not trainers and no open-toed shoes or high heels

We sell school jumpers with our school logo from the school office. These currently cost £10 but any plain red jumper or cardigan is fine. We don't have an approved supplier; Primark, Tesco, Aldi, Pep & Co, etc are fine. 


Please put your child's name in their clothing. We get a lot of red jumpers with no names!

School Uniform

PE Kit/Uniform

All children from Reception to Year 2 participate in physical education (PE) lessons each week focusing on fitness and sport related skills.

To make things easier for everyone we ask that children come to school in their PE clothes on their PE day.

They need to wear:

  • A white T-shirt (they may wear their red school jumper/ cardigan over the top)
  • Black or blue shorts/ Black skin-tight leggings/ Black or grey tracksuit bottoms
  • Black PE pumps – Not trainers

NAMED PE pumps in a NAMED bag may stay in school

  • No earrings or jewellery on these days
  • Long hair tied back
  • No designer tracksuits
  • No jeans
  • Headscarves must be removed

Classes are also encouraged to take part in the ‘daily mile’ as often as possible throughout the week, giving children the opportunity to walk, jog or run a minimum of one mile around the playground.  This will be done in their school uniform.

PE Kit/ Uniform

School Uniform

We prefer and encourage the children to wear school uniform. Not only does this help children to feel part of the Cottesbrooke family, it also helps parents and carers as it prevents disagreements about what to wear in the morning.

Our uniform consists of:

  • a red sweatshirt or cardigan
  • grey skirt/pinafore dress, trousers or shorts
  • white polo shirt/shirt
  • a red and white gingham dress may be worn in warmer months.
  • children should wear sensible shoes, preferably not trainers and no open-toed shoes or high heels

We sell school jumpers with our school logo from the school office. These currently cost £10 but any plain red jumper or cardigan is fine. We don't have an approved supplier; Primark, Tesco, Aldi, Pep & Co, etc are fine. 


Please put your child's name in their clothing. We get a lot of red jumpers with no names!

School Uniform

PE Kit/Uniform

All children from Reception to Year 2 participate in physical education (PE) lessons each week focusing on fitness and sport related skills.

To make things easier for everyone we ask that children come to school in their PE clothes on their PE day.

They need to wear:

  • A white T-shirt (they may wear their red school jumper/ cardigan over the top)
  • Black or blue shorts/ Black skin-tight leggings/ Black or grey tracksuit bottoms
  • Black PE pumps – Not trainers

NAMED PE pumps in a NAMED bag may stay in school

  • No earrings or jewellery on these days
  • Long hair tied back
  • No designer tracksuits
  • No jeans
  • Headscarves must be removed

Classes are also encouraged to take part in the ‘daily mile’ as often as possible throughout the week, giving children the opportunity to walk, jog or run a minimum of one mile around the playground.  This will be done in their school uniform.

PE Kit/ Uniform