Key Stage 1 (KS1) for Year 1 and Year 2
We believe that every child who attends our school is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum that is relevant to her/his particular needs at all times.
We believe that all children are entitled to open access to all aspects of the curriculum and to equal opportunity within it. We therefore aim to provide appropriately for the individual educational needs of each pupil during their schooling here.
We also believe that we must build on the skills and experiences that children bring with them to school and are committed to involving and sharing with parents the process of educating our children.
We deliver our curriculum by following the requirements of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) in all subjects. Wherever possible, we make links in learning and plan using a cross curricular approach.
The school curriculum consists of:
English: spoken language, reading (words and comprehension), writing, spelling, handwriting, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
Mathematics: number, measure, geometry and statistics.
These are 'Core Subjects'. Computing, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Music and PE are the 'Foundation Subjects'.
Our school holds Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Education in high regard and although there is no National Curriculum for PSHE, our school follows a scheme called Jigsaw involving discrete PSHE lessons and where its principles underpin many other subjects and aspects of school life. The school also teaches about equality throughout the curriculum, promoting British Values, and uses the Birmingham Relationships Education resources as part of this.
There is no prescribed National Curriculum for Religious Education so this is taught with reference to the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus. We encourage our children to develop respect for themselves, each other and for our different faiths. We learn about the customs, values, beliefs and faiths that are represented in our school and in our City.
We hold a daily act of collective worship, which is broadly Christian. This may be all together in the hall or in class groups with teachers in the classroom.
Parents are entitled to withdraw their children from religious education and the act of collective worship if they so wish and should speak to our Head Teacher if this is the case.
Key Stage 1 (KS1) for Year 1 and Year 2
We believe that every child who attends our school is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum that is relevant to her/his particular needs at all times.
We believe that all children are entitled to open access to all aspects of the curriculum and to equal opportunity within it. We therefore aim to provide appropriately for the individual educational needs of each pupil during their schooling here.
We also believe that we must build on the skills and experiences that children bring with them to school and are committed to involving and sharing with parents the process of educating our children.
We deliver our curriculum by following the requirements of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) in all subjects. Wherever possible, we make links in learning and plan using a cross curricular approach.
The school curriculum consists of:
English: spoken language, reading (words and comprehension), writing, spelling, handwriting, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
Mathematics: number, measure, geometry and statistics.
These are 'Core Subjects'. Computing, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Music and PE are the 'Foundation Subjects'.
Our school holds Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Education in high regard and although there is no National Curriculum for PSHE, our school follows a scheme called Jigsaw involving discrete PSHE lessons and where its principles underpin many other subjects and aspects of school life. The school also teaches about equality throughout the curriculum, promoting British Values, and uses the Birmingham Relationships Education resources as part of this.
There is no prescribed National Curriculum for Religious Education so this is taught with reference to the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus. We encourage our children to develop respect for themselves, each other and for our different faiths. We learn about the customs, values, beliefs and faiths that are represented in our school and in our City.
We hold a daily act of collective worship, which is broadly Christian. This may be all together in the hall or in class groups with teachers in the classroom.
Parents are entitled to withdraw their children from religious education and the act of collective worship if they so wish and should speak to our Head Teacher if this is the case.