Home Learning
Our teachers are setting Home Learning tasks for each year group regularly. To access these tasks click the curriculum ball above, then Home Learning, then your child's year group. To access these tasks from a mobile or tablet click menu and scroll down to Home Learning. The teacher's emails have also been provided for support.
Tips for successful home learning
The best way to help children aged 4 to 7 learn is to:
Talk with your child throughout the day and explain new words. For example, discuss the things you’re doing and pick out words that might be new to them.
When you read with your child try to:
You can make a story more interesting and help your child develop their understanding of a book by linking what you’re reading to real life. For example, while reading about Cinderella going to the ball, talk about how a ball is similar to a birthday party.
Ask your child questions about what you’re reading as you go. For example:
Useful website links & resources
Click here for Phonics lessons
Click for online classroom & resource hub
List of Useful Learning Websites
Picture & words to help you communicate with your child
At Cottesbrooke, we believe learning opportunities are everywhere. The TRUST ideas will help parents and children with ideas for home learning. Please see the TRUST poster below for more information.
If you would like to access the TRUST ideas poster for home learning in a range of other languages then please click on the following links below and download them.
The poster is available in Bengali, Lithuanian, Polish, Punjabi & Urdu.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Helping_Home_Learning_Talk_with_TRUST_simple_infographic_POLISH.pdf | |||
Helping_Home_Learning_Talk_with_TRUST_simple_infographic_URDU.pdf | |||
Helping_Home_Learning_Talk_with_TRUST_simple_infographic_LITHUANIAN.pdf | |||
Helping_Home_Learning_Talk_with_TRUST_simple_infographic_BENGALI.pdf | |||
Helping_Home_Learning_Talk_with_TRUST_simple_infographic_PUNJABI.pdf |